Coiffure pour Kimono

Une chaque kimono sa coiffure!!
Cheveux Longs
Rigid updo do not necesserily means boring look. There is a possibility to create lovely puffy shapes on the sides and the back of the head and inject some personality by the addition of beautiful hair accessories. As the kimono speaks by itself, there is no need for extravagant hair either. Small accessories are recommended for those in search of a mature and elegant look. Hairstyles vary depending the celebration you wish to attend or the type of kimono you wear; do not hesitate to ask for advice in case of doubt. Get extravagant for a party and simple for tea ceremony; the art of kimono is fascinating by all the little details available to change the atmosphere surrounding the one that wears it.

Cheveux Mi-Longs

Cheveux Courts

Les Forfaits Coiffures Wargo sont…
Coiffure Gratuite
Coiffure Standard (900 yen)
Coiffure Premium (1,900 yen)
Coiffure High-End (2,900 yen)
Coiffure Style-Libre (3,900 yen)
Coiffure Japonaise (4,900 yen)
Coiffure Shichigosan (2,900 yen)
En conclusion…
Kimono Rental Wargo c’est…
Kimono Rental Wargo vous offre la possibilité de louer un ensemble kimono complet pour seulement 2,900 yen (1,900 yen pour étuidants!) incluant les frais d’habillage et la location gratuite de kanzashi issus de leur marque maison ‘Kanzashiya Wargo’. Améliorez votre look en vous faisant coiffer pour seulement 900 yen!! Louez un ensemble kimono complet è prix raisonnable à travers le pays grâce à Kimono Rental Wargo! Visitez l’une de nos 19 succursales situées à travers le Japon; Kyoto, Gion, Kiyomizudera, Arashiyama, Asakusa, Kamakura, Kanazawa ou Osaka!