• 心づくしのプランで極上の一時を VIP着物プラン

Booking예약 상황

이용일을 선택해 주십시오

※☎전화로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. → 전점포 공통 콜센터: 0120-42-0505※예약 칸의 인원 수와 안 맞는 경우에도 조정이 가능하므로 개별 문의 바랍니다.

※가격은 시기에 따라 변동됩니다.


Access찾아 오시는 길

  • From Tsukuba Express Asakusa Station

    Exit gate 5 of the station, go on your right side. Pass the entertainment hall and go straight to Rock Street, Sensohji direction. You will see the store on your right on Rock street.

  • From Kaminarimon Gate, Tobu Asakusa subway station

    Get through the gate and get on Nakamise street towards Sensoji Temple. Right before Sensoji Temple gate, turn right onto "Denbouin Street" where many jinrikisha are around. Go ahead for about 200 meters til you find a 5-ways intersection, you will see a sign saying "Atelier" which is our store!

  • More details

    It is a building with a signboard says "Atelier", on Rock street between Denbouin Street and Don Quijote.

  • 3 mins walking
  • 30 secs walking
  • 1 min walking
  • 2 mins walking
  • 2 mins walking
  • 10 mins by train
  • 20 mins by train
  • 12 mins by train