Trunk ServiceService List
Suitcase Keeping

Suitcase(Big one-OK)1piece500Yen
If the total size of 3 dimensions is under 160cm, we charge 500 yen/item. (Please return the rental kimono or yukata by 6:30pm.)
※Most airlines allow suitcases under 115cm in total dimensions, we accept almost any large baggage that is sold on the market. ※※We don’t keep valuables. ※※※Unless you pickup your baggage by closing time of each store, you must pay 1,000 yen/day for overdue. Furthermore, if you don’t pickup your baggage after 1 week, we will dispose of it.
Big Bag

Big Bag(all in 1 bag)1bag500Yen
The big bag for all your small bags is 40 x 45 x 25 cm. (see photo). Put all your bags into it.
※Customers using our kimono or yukata rental service, get 1 big bag for free. ※※We don’t keep valuables.
Baggage Delivery
This service’s limited at Kyoto Station Shop and Osaka Shinsaibashi Shop.

Baggage Delivery1time926Yen
We deliver your baggages to hotels in Kyoto City by 5pm. This is only for luggages we received before 1.30pm
※※We may be late for delivery depending on the trafic condition on that day.
- ※We don’t deliver to areas below.
- Uji City, Kameoka City, Rakusei area in Nishikyoh-ku, Kurama and Kifune area in Sakyoh-ku, Yamashina-ku, Fushimi-ku
*Unless you pickup your baggage by closing time of each store, you must pay 1,000 yen/day for overdue. Furthermore, if you don’t pickup your baggage after 1 week, we will dispose of it.
교토타워점교토역 도보 2분 교토 타워빌딩 3층
교토후 교토시 시모교쿠 히가시시죠코지쬬 721-1 교토타워3층
기온 시조 점
야사카 신사로부터 도보 5분!!
교토시 히가시야마구 시죠야마토오오지쿠다루 니시카와야마토쵸 7 기온시죠 지사이빌딩 3F
교토시 히가시야마구 고죠하시 히가시 6-583-104칸자시야wargo키요미즈자카점2F
도쿄 아사쿠사점
아사쿠사역에서 도보5분!!
도쿄토 다이토구 아사쿠사1-41-8아토리에 빌딩1F,2F
Osaka Shisaibashi
Only 5-minute walk from Shinsaibashi Station!
542-0086 Osaka, Chūō-ku, Nishishinsaibashi, 1-chōme−9−2 Shinsaibashi OPA Kireikan 2nd floor
토게츠교까지 도보10분!!
교토시 우쿄구 사가 덴류지 쿠루마미치쵸 9-2 2F
아라시야마 토게츠쿄점
토게츠교까지 도보5분
교토후 교토시 우쿄구 사가텐류지 쿠리미치쬬11-4 영업시간
도쿄 스카이트리타운
오시아게역에서 4분
도쿄토 스미다쿠 오시아게1-2 도쿄스카이트리타운 소라마치 1층
카마쿠라 코마치점
카마쿠라역 도보2분!
가나가와현 가마쿠라시 코마치 1-5-13
다자이후텐만구 앞 점
다자이후역에서 1분!
〒818-0117 후쿠호카현 다자이후시 사이후 1쵸메 14-22 2층
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