
Access Carte

  • From Kyoto station JR line

    From Kyoto Bus Stop A1, take bus number 5 which goes to Ginkakuji temple - Iwakura; or from Bus Stop A2, take bus number 4, 17 or 25 which goes to Shijo-Kawaramachi - Ginkakuji temple or Shijo-Kawaramachi - Kitaooji Bus Stop). Then get off at "Shijo - Kawaramachi", walk to intersection of Shijo street and Kawaramachi street (about 5 minutes).

  • From Keihan line in Gionshijoh station

    Go west along Shijoh street. It takes you 20 minutes on foot.

    From Hankyuh line in Shijohkawaramachi station

    Exit gate 9, and walk north to Shinkyohgoku shopping street. Walk about 50 meters or 5 minutes the branch is on your left.

    By taxi

    Tell taxi driver: “Go to Shijohkawaramachi, and stop in front of Shinkyohgoku street ” When you get off the taxi, get into the Shinkyohgoku arcade, walk about 50 meters, the branch is on your left.

  • 21 mins by train
  • 10 mins walking
  • 20 mins walking
  • 30 mins walking
  • 15 mins walking
  • 11 mins by bus
  • 12 mins by bus
  • 12 mins walking